Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Missed it by that much...

Today has been a day of close calls.  I missed the bus today, TWICE, while running towards it as it pulls away.  Apparently in this country if a large sweaty man is running at full speed (which is pretty damn fast) you are supposed to just drive away as he reaches out for the door.  A special thank you goes out to the bus drivers today.  But the close calls also worked in my favor today, because 30 seconds after I walked into work there was another torrential downpour that would have damn near drowned me and I did not have an umbrella.  Nice try mother nature, maybe next time. 

I got taken out for a traditional Singaporean breakfast today of weird noodles in a strange sauce that tasted funny.  (I know what you are thinking, I should work for the food network with my descriptions) It was actually pretty good, I mean for weird street food at 10 in the morning.  But then again, I am a fan of anything that just throws a drumstick on the side of your plate for no apparent reason.  When we ordered our drinks, they brought them out in BAGS.  I almost lost it.  Apparently plastic cups are too expensive, so they literally took a small plastic bag, poured the juice in it, and stuck a straw in the bag.  I was laughing, but it was hot so I drank from my bag o' juice.  I really should have taken a picture because it is just the most ridiculous thing ever.  And they think its normal!  People thought I was weird for staring at it. 

So we have a basketball court right outside our office, and some guys go out during lunch and play pretty regularly.  I was asked to join in today, so I brought my gear with me to work and strapped up to play.  One of the guys was telling me about a tournament he is going to play in this weekend and asked if I still played.  I immediately blurted out "Sure I'll play on your team."  ...There was an awkward pause that followed which I am pretty sure lasted about 7 minutes.  He then as politely as possible told me "Umm.. we will see how you play today first."  Ouch.  I am literally having to try out for a basketball team of tiny Asian players.  I was checked the ball to start the game and someone shouted "The tryout starts now!"  I am not going to go into details, mostly because I would make them up to make myself look better, but the point is I did well enough to get asked to play in his tournament.  I felt pretty good about myself until he asked if my jersey size was XXXL.  Apparently clothes run about 3 X sizes smaller here... Or so I am telling myself. 

Anyways, that was the extent of my not-that-exciting day.  I did see a vendor at the mall earlier with a peculiar name.  I had to take a picture and it is here to the left.  I gotta give it to the guy running it for being creative, but I really hope he knows what it means.  I think he sells handbags... Not getting the connection with the name.  Oh well its funny.  Have a great 4th everyone!!!

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